Thursday, March 11, 2010

How Lucky Can You Get?

I have the good fortune to work for a company that not only wants their employees to be health and fit but truly supports my triathlon endeavors. They actually want us to participate in running and triathlons and they do nearly everything to make that possible. They pay for a portion of my annual membership to a gym and if we work out at lunch we get an extra 15 min. This is fantastic, especially since I do my swim training during lunch. I can get my yardage in, take a shower and be back at my desk in less than 1 hr. 15 minutes. I will run and swim every other day. I try to get outside to run, but thru the winter – especially this one - I have been using the treadmill at the Bally’s near my office.

My training plan consists of 6-9 workouts per week. That usually digs into family time for most triathletes. I know I’m fortunate to get the majority of my workouts done during the workday. If I do as many of the others early in the morning, I won’t be cutting into my evenings with my family hardly at all. I’m sure this will change when I get into the longer runs or bike rides, but relatively speaking, I know I’m luckier than most.

Now you know why going out of town throws such a monkey wrench into my schedule. I’m usually on the road working during lunch when I’m out of town. Last week was especially trying. I spent a week in Indianapolis at a hotel that was in the process of renovating their banquet rooms. The rooms were directly across from the glass walled pool and workout room. Believe me when I tell you the ick factor was very high as I was trying to workout directly across from all the contractors working on the remodel. I think guys just can’t help themselves regardless of the freak show in front of them. Sorry guys.

I did get out one evening for a run in Indi. It was so nice out there and the sun sets a little later than here because it is further west. I was running in shorts and a shirt and jacket. It was about 48F but once I got going I was very warm. When I got back to the hotel, I was in the elevator with an elderly gentleman. He looked at me like I was crazy and asked if I was just outside in my outfit. I said ‘Yeah – it is so warm outside’. His jaw dropped and said ‘Its freezing.’ I asked where he was from he said Florida. He asked where I was from and I said Cleveland and it was 15 degrees cooler there this week than in Indi. I guess it truly is just relative.


  1. Thats just cool that your work supports this!!

  2. Thanks for being no. 50 to my site.
    I have to think of some kind of prize....
    I too can train at my leisure at work (at least most of the time)
